Rebby Sebei 20 years female from rural East Pokot Kenya is a first year undergraduate student in Moi university studying Bachelor of Business Management (BBM.)
My home place is Tangulbei division of East Pokot District, Rift Valley Province-Kenya .Its located140km further north of Nakuru town the Rift Valley province Headquarter.
The Pokot community who are the inhabitants of this area are pastoralists in nature and keep cows, goats and camels for domestic use milk, meat and blood, they frequently move from on place to another in search of green pasture for their animals.
This lifestyle have denied my children opportunity to go to school more so the girl child and therefore the poverty level is high in the area.
Coupled with climate change and expanded population there is no much grazing places for the large number of animals the Pokot are keeping and there drought and famines all year round .
Government effort has not yield much results as the situation continue to get worse year in year out.
I am a last born in a family of 6,5girls and 1boy. All other girls have been married at early age before finishing their secondary education seemingly because of lack of fees they drop out of school and they got married off.
And I stay with my mum because my dad left us to unknown destination since I was just 5years and since then no one has heard about him.
We lived in temporary grass touched house build of wooden sticks and muddy wall.
My primary education started in Tangulbei primary school in the year 1995 and did well in my final exams and later I join East-More secondary education.
My secondary education was difficult and frequently I would be at home due to lack of fees I could be sent home by the school to go for fees. However I could not get the fees and this keeps me long at home trying to get any assistance from well-wishers and persons of goodwill.
My mum is 62years old hardworking woman and does odd work eg fetching firewood and water for sale to provide for the family food, clothing and shelter.
Well-wishers did assist so much and I do thank them for taking me this far without them I couldn’t have reached here.
I did my final secondary examination in 2008 and pass well with a mean grade of B-(minus) despite the hardship I underwent in all my secondary education and this indeed contributed to me not even doing better.
I applied for BBM course in Moi university and I was accepted as self-sponsored student –that means I have to pay for my tuition fees, accommodation and all other fees that are necessary of tuition fees of kshs.140,000 per year, unlike the government sponsored students who gets fees subsidy from government who pays kshs.16,000per year.
And through well-wishers they assisted me with money to start with kshs.70,000 but this could not clear the first year fees as I was denied an exam card an subsequent missing my first semester exams.
Now its second semester and exams are due in mid April and I may again miss the end of semester exams and this will force me to drop out of school.
Academic year starts in August and end in April for along 4 months vacation.
I kindly put forward this submission to people out there to come forward and assist a needy girl from a community who have poor regards to girl child.
I will work extra hard to achieve my goal of becoming a banker and make positive change to my community and become an exemplary to the other girls .
I like reading, modeling, making friends and visiting needy children in children homes and refugee camps.
My address is :
- P.O BOX 182
- MARIGAT-30403
- TEL: +254719183486
aschalew says
Dear Sir
I obtained BED in mathematics.I want to study undergraduate in engineering fields any where if I get ascholarship .I need a sponsor.
Thanks for your response.
aschalew says
Dear Sir thanks for your response.And I obtained BED in mathematics ,I want undergraduate in engineering and technology fields or graduate in mathematics.
aschalew says
Dear Sir
I am from east africa,I want a sponsor for my study any one who wants to help
Thanks for your help.
evangelist Awudu Razak says
my name is Awudu Razak Ibrahim from ghana africa and a moslem convert now an evangelist, i m the founder of disciples of nations a mission organisation dedicated to soul winning i ma called as a missionary and i hope to study missions abroad but do not have the finace i would like to make a passionate appeal to colleges christian organisations and individuals worldwide to come to my aid
tel +233-243236691 e-mail