- Drs. Peter and Stephanie Chung founded the Joseph Chung Scholarship Fund in memory of their son, Joseph Chung.
Scholarship Overview
- The Joseph Chung Scholarship supports children of pastors and missionaries pursuing post-secondary education, as well as students pursuing degree courses in Special Education or Learning and Development Disabilities.
Host School(s)
- Colleges and universities in Canada.
Field(s) of Study
- Undergraduate programs, including Special Education or Learning and Developmental Disabilities.
What does the scholarship cover?
- Tuition fees
- The tuition fees are paid directly to the school.
How many scholarships are given?
- Not stated
Which countries are targeted?
- Pastor’s kids (PK)
- Missionary Kids (MK)
- Intellectually Differently-Abled (ID) or siblings of ID persons
- Students pursuing Special Education or Learning and Development Disabilities at the undergraduate level
- Next-generation pastors
Am I Eligible to Apply?
You can apply for this scholarship if you:
- are an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited college/university in Canada;
- are a full-time student at a college/university in Canada in both Fall 2024 or Spring 2025;
- are a Pastor’s Kid (PK) whose parents are currently serving or have recently retired as pastors in B.C., Canada;
- are a Missionary’s Kid (MK) whose parent(s) is currently serving or has recently retired as a missionary (any Location/nationality);
- are pursuing Special Education at a college/university in Canada with a major/minor in Special Education or Learning and Developmental Disabilities;
- are an Intellectually Differently-abled student (ID) as pre-qualified from organizations that work with ID;
- are a sibling(s) of an ID individual who has a minimum 3.0 GPA and studies at a college/university in Canada;
- are a next-generation pastor attending an accredited theological institution in Canada, recognized by the Evangelical Churches for a B.A. or an M.Div. or equivalent program while employed in the next-generation ministry at a church in B.C.
- The scholarship may be awarded up to four times during the recipient’s college enrollment.
How do I Apply – Next Steps
- Application is done online via the website below.
Supporting Documents
- Personal Essay (500 words)
- Transcript from your college/university or high school (for new students)
- Documents showing proof of family income
- Letter of Enrollment
- Reference Letter
- Proof of Parental Ministry for PK/MK applicants
- Proof of Intellectually Differently-Abled for ID or Siblings of ID individuals
- .These documents should be submitted in PDF format.
Closing Date:
- 29 October 2024
How do I get more information?
- Website: Joseph Chung Scholarship
Benard Amutuhaire says
Dear Team,
I am interested in bursaries for children who are most disadvantaged(Orphans, Vulnerable homes) in my community here in Uganda
I take care of 5 children currently but I am somehow strained in terms of resources
I need some connection to some foundations handling that.
Adugna Beyene says
I am teacher in Theological college. Now I am searching to get masters degree with fully funded, how could you help me?
Naol Adugna says
I am grade 9 student.Would you give me fully fanded scholar ship please?