The Advancing Africa Scholarship Fund provides that:
- recipients shall be known as Advancing Africa Scholars;
- recipients will be asked to sign a pledge to return to full-time residency in Africa for a period of at least two years upon completion of undergraduate studies Brown or, if they have an opportunity to continue their studies, to return upon completion of a graduate degree;
- during their undergraduate studies at Brown, recipients shall be entitled to two return trips paid through the Fund;
- upon their return to Africa, recipients will be given an appropriate monthly stipend for two years to ensure a higher standard of living and to ease their transition. If the resident shall cease to be a full-time resident of Africa within the two year period, this stipend will terminate.
Host School
- Study at Brown University
- Known internationally for excellence in academics and innovative research, Brown offers a wide range of undergraduate concentrations, master’s programs and doctoral degrees.
- 6,000 undergraduates, 2,000 graduate students, 400 medical school students, and nearly 700 faculty members at Brown
- Together, the members of the Brown community create a dynamic living and learning environment on a picturesque urban campus in historic Providence, Rhode Island.
Field(s) of Study
- Most Undergrad Majors
What does the scholarship cover?
- The university’s financial aid resources and policies ensure that Brown is affordable for all admitted undergraduates.
- If you wish to be considered for financial aid at any time during your four years at Brown, you should apply at the time of your initial application to the College. Awards are not given in cash, but as credits toward the cost of tuition, fees, room, and board. Financial aid covers books and some personal expenses, but does not cover vacation and summer expenses.
- Brown meets full demonstrated need of all admitted students who have applied for financial aid. However, the total amount of funds set aside for foreign citizens as a group, is limited. Therefore, we are not need-blind when we review applications from international applicants.
- Any – All who are admitted
- Students hail from every U.S. state and more than 100 foreign countries.
- We are familiar with many of the academic credentials, exams, and educational systems around the world and will research any unfamiliar systems to increase our understanding. While certain credentials may be quite different from those commonly used in the United States, we still seek students who present evidence of academic ability and a genuine interest in learning. While we tend to admit students who have achieved at the highest levels in their own systems of education, we focus on the whole person and look well beyond the numerical results achieved in examinations and exam predictions.
- Every year Brown welcomes students from around the world. In fact, about fifteen percent of our students come from abroad. We encourage you to review the information on our website that is unique to international applicants.
- All applicants to Brown complete the Common Application. Although the forms are geared toward the U.S. secondary school system, they may be used to convey the specifics of any nation’s educational system.
Further Information on Advancing Africa Scholarship
1) This program is geared towards undergraduate (first year) applicants with demonstrated financial need who are citizens of sub-Saharan African nations; graduate candidates are not eligible.
2) Upon submitting your application for admission to the University, simply designate in your communication with the Admissions Office that you wish to be considered for the Advancing Africa program
3) Apply for financial aid assistance in accordance with all requirements outlined at Brown Financial Aid – no special application is required beyond our regular protocol for financial aid
4) If you are accepted by the Office of Admissions then you will be advised if you have also been selected for the Advancing Africa program. Details on any financial assistance would also be outlined (provided you met all the financial aid deadlines/requirements).
Therefore, your admission and acceptance to the University drives all other steps.
Closing Date:
- January 1 Regular Decision application deadline

- Box 1827
- 69 Brown Street
- J. Walter Wilson Bldg, 2nd Floor
- Providence, RI 02912
- (401) 863-2721 (t)
- (401) 863 7575 (f)
- Free Scholarships – http://www.
freeundergraduatescholarships. info/ - Top Undergrad Scholarships – http:// category/level-of-study/ undergraduate/ - Top Graduate Scholarships – http:// category/level-of-study/ graduate/ - Join the Discussion at our Forum – http://
myinternationalscholarships. com/forum
I need your help
I need to study abroad
from Africa
thank youuu
Alemu Tadesse says
Hello. My plesure to see you. My name is Alemu Tadesse Belay from ethiopia. I hold my BA degree in accounting&finance from addis ababa university,college of business&economics in 2016. I want to be professional in my field of study but financial problem restricted me to see my dream. So, keep in mind this&facilitate scholarship opportunity in business field of study. I hope you will be part of my success.
abrham alehegn says
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Birtukan Azmeraw says
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