Youth Exchange and Study (YES)
is a program that was established in October, 2002 and sponsored by ECA to provide scholarships for high school students (15-17 years) from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. The program is vital to expanding communication between the people of the United States and the partner countries in the interest of promoting mutual understanding and respect. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures.
The program can support students with disabilities and encourages their participation. ECA works with Mobility International (MIUSA) to provide students with disabilities with leadership-building workshops and appropriate information and support as needed to enhance their year in America.
From 2003 to the present a total of 3,480 students have participated in the YES program. During the coming academic year 2009-10, approximately 1,000 students will join the program from: Afghanistan, Albania, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brunei, Bulgaria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gaza, Ghana, Kosovo, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel (Arab Community), Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, West Bank, and Yemen.
Upon their return the students apply their leadership skills in their home countries. In addition, alumni groups have formed and been involved with many community service activities including clothing drives, mentoring younger children and English teaching, immunization drives, and much more.
The YES program is currently administered by four organizations and their partners in each country.
If you are a student from one of the countries listed below and interested in studying in the U.S., please click on the link to the organization next to your country to find out more about opportunities with the YES program.
If you are a family in the U.S. interested in hosting a student from one of the countries listed, please click on the link to the organization next to your country of interest to find out more about opportunities with the YES Program.
The AYUSA International Consortium implements the YES program in Bahrain, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Gaza, Iraq, Israel (Arab Community), Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Senegal, Tunisia, West Bank, and Yemen.
The AYUSA International Consortium member organizations that provide family and school placement and student support in the U.S. include:
- AYUSA International
- ASSE International
- Center for Cultural Interchange (CCI)
- Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE)
- Pacific Intercultural Exchange (PIE)
- Youth for Understanding (YFU)
The AYUSA International Consortium member organizations that conduct recruitment and alumni programming in partnering countries are AMIDEAST and iEARN. (Students from the countries listed above within the AYUSA Consortium who are interested in applying to the YES program, may also click on the links below to find contact information for recruiting offices in their come country.)
- America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Inc. (AMIDEAST) (Recruiting students in Bahrain, Gaza, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Tunisia, West Bank, and Yemen)
- International Education and Resource Network (iEARN) (Recruiting students Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Israel (Arab Community), Mali, Pakistan, and Senegal)
AFS-USA implements the YES program in Brunei, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and Turkey.
For YES/AFS program news, please visit the YES/AFS website. NEW
The AFS Consortium member organizations that provide family and school placement and student support in the U.S. include:
- AFS-USA, Inc.
- American Cultural Exchange Services (ACES)
- The American Institute For Foreign Study Foundation (AIFS)
- Program Of Academic Exchange (PAX)
AFS-USA works with its affiliate offices and representatives in each country to conduct recruitment and alumni programming. (Students from the countries listed above for the AFS-USA Consortium who are interested in applying to the YES program, may also click here for direct contact information for the recruiting offices of AFS-USA’s in-country partners.)
American Councils for International Education implements the YES program in Afghanistan and South East Europe. In the United States, American Councils partners with the Program of Academic Exchange (PAX) and World Link, Inc.
IRIS, Inc. implements the YES program in Nigeria and Tanzania.
- IRIS works with its representatives in each country to conduct recruitment and alumni programming and provides family and school placement and student support in the U.S.
For general information on the Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program, contact
For more information –
Muhammad Aqeel Qaiser says
Hello, I want to know about this program, My Language teacher told me about this, He is teaching in NGO in Pakistan, Can i participate i am not teen age, How can i get advantage to this program. Please guide me…Regards,
Muhammad Aqeel Qaiser
jabir Alwjih says
iam wish studu master or doc in any part
israt says
I complete my honours and masters degree from Bangladesh,my study subject is Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is their any possibility for me to get help from your organization to drive my higher study in your country?I will be gratify if you reply me.
Abdirahman M.Dirye says
Dear Sirs
I am Somali student hold BA in accounts & finance ,along with IELTS with score 5.5 (6), therefore I think I am qualified for one scholarship here, unfortunately my country is out of the list, sorry to say that , my is country is totally neglected,by the way, would you help me locate a scholarship somewhere ?