- In Germany, refugees have the opportunity to study at German universities, especially if their refugee status is recognized.
- Some universities have special programs for refugees. These include trial courses, transition courses, and supplementary courses.
- The application and admission process for entry into a degree program is similar to that of an international student.
Funding Options
- Most German universities charge low tuition fees, or no tuition fees at all.
- Students do not normally pay tuition fees for bachelor’s degree programs.
- A refugee is eligible for financial aid depending on how long he/she has been in Germany, his/her age, and the residency status.
- Several organizations, universities, cities, and states offer scholarships for refugees.
- Once you choose the university where you would like to study, get to know what scholarship options are available.
- The best funding option for refugees is BaföG (BundesAusbildungsförderungsGesetz), a government funding program.
What does BaföG cover?
- BaföG funding comes in two equal parts – one part is a grant and the other part is a zero-interest government loan.
- The payment of this loan (half the total funding) is required no earlier than five years after graduation.
- No individual pays back more than €10,000.
- The amount received by each refugee depends on certain factors. The maximum amount received is however €735 per month.
Am I Eligible to Apply?
For refugees, entitlement to BaföG is as follows:
- Recognized Refugee – A recognized refugee is one who is entitled to asylum, has been granted refugee status, or is under subsidiary protection. If you are a recognized refugee, you can apply for BaföG irrespective of how long you have been in Germany.
- Tolerated Refugee – If you are a tolerated refugee or a holder of a specific humanitarian residence permit, you can apply for BaföG 15 months after the date you originally applied for asylum in Germany.
NOTE: If your application for asylum is still being processed, you are not eligible for BaföG.
University entry requirements include:
- Sufficient language skills (German and/or English, depending on the level of study)
- University entrance qualifications depending on the course applied for and the host university.
- Refugees who have studied previously can have their coursework and certificates certified in Germany.
How Do I Apply – Next Steps
- Fill out the application forms and submit them to the Studentenwerk (student service organization) office at the university at which you would like to study.
- A checklist for filling out the BaföG application is found at the Studentenwerk website.
- Documents and certificates are also required. These include:
- School leaving certificate (if this is not sufficient for study in Germany, you will need to do a foundation course)
- Certificates from universities previously attended
- Bank statements showing your income and assets
NOTE: You can only receive BaföG if your application is complete, i.e. has all the required information and required documents.
How do I get more information?
Below is an example of an undergraduate scholarship for refugees in Germany.
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Scholarships
Scholarship Overview
- The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship supports undergraduate refugee students in their studies by giving these committed young students the opportunity to focus on their studies and to prepare for their future careers in the public and the private sector.
What does the scholarship cover?
- Financial support (depending on your income or the income of your parents) of up to €649 per month plus €300 for study-related expenses (books, writing material, etc.)
- Access to an extended network of fellow scholarship holders and alumni
- A wide range of seminars on salient political, economic, academic and cultural topics
- Career counseling and support with your first steps into the labor market
Am I Eligible to Apply?
Applicants should, apart from having recognized refugee status, should possess the following qualities and abilities:
- Social engagement and willingness to assume social and political responsibility,
- Open-mindedness, high commitment and wide range of interests,
- Above-average learning or academic achievements at school or university,
- Social engagement and willingness to assume social and political responsibility,
- Identification with the values and views of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
How do I Apply – Next Steps
- Apply online on the KAS campus website before the deadline.
Required Documents
- A written out CV, a maximum of 3 pages long
- A certified copy of your admission letter from the German university where you have secured admission
- A current passport photo,
- Letters of assessment of your personality profile and academic skills
- A matriculation certificate
- A copy of all academic diploma and training certificates

How do I get more information?
- Free Scholarships – http://www.freeundergraduatescholarships.info/
- Top Undergrad Scholarships – http://internationalscholarships.ca/category/level-of-study/undergraduate/
- Top Graduate Scholarships – http://internationalscholarships.ca/category/level-of-study/graduate/
- GOT QUESTIONS – Join the Discussion at our Forum – http://myinternationalscholarships.com/forum
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