My Summary
One of the best and most confusing scholarships options that you’ll find. Samuel
- The good – Numerous Full Scholarship Options
- The bad – There are so many options and each one has a specific application criteria and process that it can be confusing.
- My Recommendation – Take your time – look through the list of scholarship – select the one you are interested in – then follow the links to see if you are qualified and learn how to apply.
Scholarship Overview
- Erasmus Mundus is a co-operation and mobility program in the field of higher education which promotes the European Union as a worldwide center of excellence in learning.
- The program supports European top-quality master’s courses and enhances the visibility and attractiveness of European higher education in third countries. It also provides EU-funded scholarships for third-country nationals participating in these master’s courses, as well as for EU-nationals studying at partner universities around the world.
Host School(s)
- Study in numerous European Countries and Universities.
- Check the links below for all the specific locations and programs
Field(s) of Study
- Too Many to List
- Here are the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses that will be offering scholarships for courses starting in the academic year 2013-2014 – of http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects_action_1_master_courses_en.php
- Here are the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates offering fellowships for doctoral programs starting in the academic year 2013-2014 – http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects_action_1_joint_doctorates_en.php
What does the scholarship cover?
- These scholarships are fully funded scholarships for masters’ students. They cover all courses at master’s level.
- Scholarship amounts can vary according to the level of studies/teaching/research, their duration (3 months to 3 years) and the grantee’s nationality (scholarships for non-EU individuals are higher than for EU individuals).
How many scholarships are given?
- Total scholarships / fellowships given between 2009 – 2013 is a total of 13,270.
Which countries are targeted?
- Here is a list of eligible countries – http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects_action_2_en.php
- YOUR COUNTRY NOT LISTED – check this link for additional countries and information OR under the above list check ACP countries
- Please check this before you email me and say that your country is not listed 🙂
Am I Eligible to Apply?
- Because there are so many different scholarships each has different eligibility criteria – CHECK your SPECIFIC program to see if you qualify.
How to I Apply – Next Steps
- To apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship you should address your application direct to an Erasmus Mundus course or partnership.
- Students, doctoral candidates, teachers, researchers and other academic staff should address their applications directly to the selected Erasmus Mundus masters and doctoral programs (Action 1) and to the selected Erasmus Mundus partnerships (Action 2), in accordance with the application conditions defined by the selected consortium/partnership.
- Individuals interested in an Erasmus Mundus scholarship have to apply directly to the selected Action 1 consortium or Action 2 partnership of their choice and go through a competitive selection process organized by the partners involved. This selection process will be organized in accordance with a procedure and set of criteria designed by the consortium / partnership and approved in advance by the Agency. The lists of consortia and partnerships are available at the following address; these lists are updated whenever new consortia are selected following a call for proposals.
Closing Date:
- Deadlines vary depending of your graduate course – again check the program for further info.
- Generally speaking October through early February is the application window
How do I get more information? – Want to know more?
- Check out this page for lots of information – http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/funding/scholarships_students_academics_en.php#1
- FAQ – http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/tools/faq_en.php
For More Information Click Here – Erasmus Mundus
yared says
Deer sir /madam
First I would like thunkfull for thise chance I graduated in Ethiopia electrical &computer engineering streem of communication engineering BSC mekelle university but at the moment I went to study MSC if you are volantery to support me
medhanit abera says
i am medhanit abera from east africa ethiopia i have Bsc degree in biology from dilla university with agreatly satisfied GPA i would like to study any related fields of study thank you for support!
medhanit abera says
i am medhanit abera from east africa ethiopia i have Bsc degree from dilla university with agreatly satisfied GPA i would like to study any related fields of study thank you for support!