- The Anzisha Prize seeks to award young entrepreneurs who have developed and implemented innovative solutions to social challenges or started successful businesses within their communities. 12 finalists from across Africa will win an all-expenses paid trip to South Africa to be a part of a week-long entrepreneurship workshop and conference at the African Leadership Academy campus on the outskirts of Johannesburg.
What does the scholarship cover?
- The grand prize winners, selected from these finalists, will share prizes worth $75,000 USD.
How many scholarships are given?
- Value of the Fellowship- Additional investment of $8 000/ $10 000 in each fellow
- Monetary Reward of a shared amount of $75 000
- $2000 access to a world- renowned Entrepreneurial Leadership curriculum and training with the potential for further investment based on engagement and performance
- $2 500 worth of rewards from consulting and mentorship services
- $2000 worth of rewards from Global speaking events or Experts in Residence support
- $1000 worth of rewards from Regional Indabas across the continent
- $500 worth of equipment
- 12 winners from last year
Which countries are targeted?
- Africa
Am I Eligible to Apply?
- You must be between 15 and 22 years old with an ID document or Passport to present as evidence. Anyone born before April 16, 1994 or after April 16, 2001 will not be considered.
- You must be a national of an African country with a business based in Africa for African customers/ beneficiaries.
- Your business must be up and running. The Anzisha Prize is not for great ideas or business plans – you must have already started, and be able to prove it! You have time to get started now and have tangible results to share before applications open.
- Your business, invention or social project can be in any field or industry (science and technology, civil society, arts and culture, sports, etc.). Any kind of venture is welcome to apply.
- Individuals who apply must be one of the founding members of a business (for example, 2 or 3 co-founders who started a business together). One person can apply for the Prize, on behalf of the team.
How do I Apply – Next Steps
- Relevance: Has the young entrepreneur identified a clear business opportunity or social need in Africa?
- Effectiveness: Does the venture created by the young entrepreneur effectively respond to this relevant need or opportunity?
- Jobs Impact: Has the venture created any jobs to date and does it have the potential to create more jobs with support from Anzisha?
- Scalability: If the venture is a for-profit business, does it already earn revenues and does it have potential increase revenues with the support of Anzisha? If the venture is a not-for-profit enterprise, does it already reach beneficiaries and does it have the potential to reach many more beneficiaries with support from Anzisha?
- Leadership Potential: Does the young entrepreneur have clearly demonstrated leadership potential and an ability to inspire others? Can this potential be accelerated by being part of the African Leadership Academy community?
Closing Date:
Semi-finalists will be chosen on a rolling admissions basis, so get your application in early! If you have a very strong application, we could be visiting you very soon!
- 15 March: Early Bird applications reviewed.
- 15 April: Application Deadline.
- June/July: Semi-finalist due diligence visits and and final selection.
- August: Anzisha Prize Finalists for 2015 announced.
- November: Anzisha Prize Week & Awards Ceremony.
How do I get more information?
- Website – http://www.anzishaprize.org/apply/
- Email – prize@anzishaprize.org
- Phone – +27 11 699 3000
- Free Scholarships – Click Here
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Redeemer Muchabaiwa says
I need this scholarship